Quality Time fanzine - "a tour de collage of photos, interviews and some other stuff we stole. features the renovated rejuvenated cornershop imploding fall out prolapse flaming lips flying saucer attack. it's about leicester. john peel recommended."
Get all paranormal with Scottish Mick...
Q. Have you ever had a paranormal experience?
A. Ah flew out ma bed one night in the Gorbals (this woke me up). Ah looked behind me and there were ma stereo speakers 6 1/2 feet up but now level with ma recumbent heid.
Q. Is the truth really out there (ie. life in space?)
A. Aye somewhere round the corner ae some star at the 3rd universe oan the left.
Q. What's your star sign/ belief in astrology?
A. Pisces - ah only believe in the Scottish Daily Record stars, they're so ridiculous they always come true.
Q. Do you ever play the lottery?
A. Once - it was crap.
Q. Which country will win the European Championships?
A. Germany after a titanic struggle with the Czech Rep who'll score 1st with a penalty. I predict Germany to win 8-7 with a golden goal.
Prolapse faves
Scottish Mick
Object d'art: Art deco pottery hats
Drug of choice: Cans of Breaker or Royal Dutch
TV soap character: Soap is shite
Medical condition: Drunk
Sport: Football: Celtic FC, Partick Thistle
Pop kid u-like: Tim Vass (Razorcuts)
Obscure English band: Die Electric Eels/ Bark Psychosis
Leicester hotspot: Attik nightspot/ St Margarets' baths
Reading material: Boris Vian, Kurt Vonnegut, Billy Childish, Charles Bukowski
Phrase, expression: Burr dingy
Geordie Mick
Object d'art: Eric Bristow
Drug of choice: Napalm
TV soap character: Betty Turpin
Medical condition: Rust
Sport: Cank
Pop kid u-like: David Shop Assistant, Rob 14 Iced Bear
Obscure English band: Rusty Grifter, the Fluffy Slippers
Leicester hotspot: Aldi
Reading material: Stan Barstow, John Noakes, John Braine, Iain Banks, Splunk Cranker
Phrase, expression: Am irritated shiteless
Object d'art: Cy Twombly paintings
Drug of choice: Mushrooms (fried)
TV soap character: Derek Wilton
Medical condition: Pregnancy
Sport: Driving cars
Pop kid u-like: Mick and Linda (oor band)
Obscure English band: -
Leicester hotspot: The Magazine
Reading material: Melody Maker end of year reviews (on toilet)
Phrase, expression: Not me 'ouse, me 'ouse! (Linda)
Object d'art: Lewis's in Leicester
Drug of choice: Tea
TV soap character: Raquel (Coronation Street)
Medical condition: Prolapse
Sport: Trainspotting
Pop kid u-like: Neil from Bungalow Bill
Obscure English band: They don't exist yet
Leicester hotspot: Attik/ Fish market
Reading material: Tent and drugs
Phrase, expression: I'm really depressed/ Actually I don't like teeth
Object d'art: Ratcliffe on Soar
Drug of choice: McEwan's Best Scotch
TV soap character: Beth Jordache
Medical condition: Twisted testicles
Sport: Skiing
Pop kid u-like: Simon Voon
Obscure English band: Yes
Leicester hotspot: No
Reading material: oor Wullie
Phrase, expression: Do you reckon...

Object d'art: Tim
Drug of choice: Love
TV soap character: Brad Willis
Medical condition: Mania
Sport: Gymnastics
Pop kid u-like:Robert Sea Urchin
Obscure English band: Strawberry Story
Leicester hotspot: the cemetery near the Uni
Reading material: Kingsley Amis
Phrase, expression: Mardy spam cobs/ Bugger off
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